Friday Night Lights brought to you by Jan Dils Attorneys at Law
Prior to every season beginning, and throughout the season a team of individuals worked tirelessly to ensure the track is ready for YOU for this season! Some upgrades you'll notice include:
Safety and beautification projects have been completed including new fencing and brush removal alongside Route 68 and Wadesville Road, The speakers have been improved so you can hear the announcer better (and we’ll be able to do field interviews!), Rocks have been on the track's surface,
Reserved seating have been sectioned off with various colors of paint (there are still seats left! If you’re interested, please send us a on the website or through Facebook),
All of these improvements have been made to better your experience at The Valley! As the season progresses, more updates will be completed. Be sure to follow our Facebook ( to see all the latest updates.
Ohio Valley Speedway